Let’s spring into Easter, the easter bunny is on their way! Within the nursery the children have enjoyed exploring and creating easter decorations and cards to send home to their families. We have enjoyed reading and listening to stories about Easter and the different celebrations families do around this time!

The Bumblebees children have enjoyed exploring messy play activities such as play dough and cutters as well as using their water tray to wash babies with soap and water! As well as washing babies Bumblebees have explored scented waters with the use of cut up fruits and extract of smells. Babies haven also been developing their fine motor skills through playing with inset puzzles, practicing picking up the different pieces and with the help of their carers making the sounds of the animals they see.

Ladybirds have enjoyed watching their home corner grow and develop! Through new resources and equipment ordered for their home corner toddlers have been able to explore and role play with fresh fruit and vegetables as well as role playing experiences from home making each other hot drinks as well as smoothies! Through this play it has developed all children’s language skills by repeating the names of the fruit and veg as well as experimenting with new language. Ladybirds have also begun discussing their feelings at circle time, with props such as the emotion monsters they have begun to understand and comprehend different emotions they may experience throughout the day. Ladybirds have also excitedly reintroduced walks to their weekly routine! With walks down the Alban Way and to the train station the children have been able to extend and develop their knowledge of the world around them.

Butterflies have been developing their knowledge of numbers and number recognition. This has been through mathematic activities such as number boards, number inset puzzles and match the number stacking activities. Through the focus of ‘school readiness’ Butterflies have been practicing their writing and how they hold pens. This has been through activities such as copying letters from their names and colouring with colouring pencils. Butterflies have also been able to enjoy circle time and key worker time out in the garden due to the sunshine! This has enabled them to extend and develop activities to incorporate all children’s interests and development points.