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Babies Environment (Bumblebees)

The Baby Room is full of sensory toys, textures and enchanting “bits and bobs”. In the early stages of a babies development they are mostly exploring the world around them, so it is important that they experience a range of materials, objects and sounds. Unlike their ability to hear, which is fully developed by the time they are born; babies do not fully develop their sight until a little later. The Black and White area helps them to distinguish between shapes and visual objects in these early days.

Upstairs is dedicated to our youngest children from 3 months to 2 years old. The rooms are large and bright where our children have access to a range of toys, sensory equipment and soft play giving them lots of exploring, learning and socialising opportunities.

There are bunk cots, black-out blinds, mobiles and sensory lights to aid the little ones to a restful sleep.

For fresh air, babies will get the use of the garden as well as going for daily morning walks in pushchairs provided by the nursery.

Like all age groups, the babies will also benefit from the use of our all weather outdoor play space and it’s amazing jungle gym, as well as outdoor trips to extend their learning beyond the nursery and into the wider world!