July news
July was a big month for our nursery, especially the Butterflies. They have been celebrating their graduation from preschool with a big garden party, we had a bouncy castle, face paints and ice-cream van!
In July the bumblebees explored transport. They took a trip to St Albans station to look at the trains and on the way back pointed out various other modes of transport. They explored water play and had a mini car wash. We looked at boats and sink and float. They children have been loving the book car, car, truck, jeep and created their own story sack of the book.
The Ladybirds have been on a few outings this month. Their favourite is a walk to the Alban Way to look for ducks and other wildlife. We had a nature treasure hunt and counted how many of each animal we saw. We have also enjoyed a walk to the train station to look at the timetables, the trains and the machines we can see there. To develop our artistic sides we have been using different tools to create patterns and textures in paint. And because of the hot weather we have been enjoying making some delicious fruit ice lollies.
In Butterflies this month they have been loving dinosaurs. They have been building a Jurassic world in their room with loose parts and a train track to take their small world people around the Jurassic park to see which dinosaurs they can find, learning their names and discussing their different characteristics. It was also the month we had our caterpillars delivered. We can’t wait to watch them transform into butterflies.