June Nursery News

This month the nursery enjoyed plenty of warm weather, looking at the local environment and the developing nature. We also celebrated Father’s day with a big garden party where all our dads and special people were invited to take part in some arts and crafts and active games.

In Babies this month they have been looking at sea creatures and all things under the sea. They have transformed their book corner into an underwater area with under the sea books, water play and sensory toys. They love the song slippery fish and have learned lots of new actions to the song. They have had lots of sand and water play, learning what animals live on land and who lives in the sea. To practice their hand eye coordination and turn taking they have been exploring the fishing game.

In June the ladybirds enjoyed expanding on their small garden project by planting some delicious vegetables. They chose green beans, potatoes and strawberries. Hopefully we will be able to create some yummy treats with our harvests. Following this we have also been exploring the hungry caterpillar and looking at the lifecycle of the caterpillar. The flowers in the garden have been blossoming so we have been using them as inspiration for some art work and have been painting some still life with the flowers.

In preschool this month they have been looking at building and constructing. The children took a trip up to the local building site to watch the development and look at the construction vehicles. They went out on plenty of outings down the Alban Way to enjoy the weather and look at how the nature is changing, and the flowers are blooming. In the room they transformed the home corner into a BBQ role play area with yummy pretend food such as corn on the cob, burgers, hot dogs, mac and cheese and meatballs. The butterflies loved ‘eating’ the food and making food for their friends and carers.