Throughout the nursery this month all children have been busy with the celebrations!  From thinking of activities for the children to explore and develop their knowledge to sending cards home to families! At the beginning of the month, we celebrated St David’s day, creating activities incorporating the Welsh flag and its colours into them. The children and staff then became very creative and dressed up in their favourite book characters, bringing in the book as well to encourage all to read stories they may not have heard before! As the celebrations continued the next one was St Patrick’s Day! The children listened to Irish music and explored the colours of the Irish flag as well as talking about 4 leaved clovers! The next day we had Sports Relief, the children and staff dressed in their favourite sporting gear or as their favourite sports person! We then spoke about what we were dressed as and what happens in the sport!  On the upcoming days of Mother’s Day, the children were busy through the nursery creating cards and gifts to send home for their Mummy’s and carers.

In Bumblebees they have taken a big step towards exploration and sensory play. They have been creating a variety of messy play activities and encouraging the children to develop their single word knowledge discussing ‘hot, cold’ and what it feels like. Whilst playing in the garden the babies have been developing their physical skills further by testing their sense of balance and gross motor skills through the use of walkers and stepping stones.

Ladybirds had lots of fun carrying out painting activities and being involved in group classes such as supernastics and tiny mites! The children have also enjoyed lots of water play, washing their babies and drying them with towels to having ‘bubble baths’ and climbing in to splash! They also explored how they can create music with different resources such as saucepans and metal spoons.

Butterflies have had lots of fun in their room this month, with the addition of physical time during their morning circle time, it has encouraged the children to exude some energy in the morning and get ready for their day! The children also enjoyed doing star jumps, running on the spot and even some push ups!


At the beginning of this month the nursery had an exciting delivery! Duck eggs! The children took great interest in watching the eggs hatch, looking out for any additional cracks and movement. As the ducks hatched preschool children helped to name them as they came out! After all the ducks were hatched the rooms took the time to interact with the ducks, whether they took them to their rooms with a tray of water for the ducks to swim in or to sing nursery rhymes to them whilst in their cage!