May was a busy month for us here at Monkey Puzzle, we had so many exciting things to be part of. It started with the arrival of our duck eggs. We had 5 duck eggs arrive that we nurtured and learned from and watched them hatch into tiny little ducklings.

The ducks grew so fast and the children learned all about how to look after them, clean them, cuddle them and we especially loved watching them swim around in their daily baths! We also had the pleasure of hosting our first parents’ evening of the year, which was a huge success for all and we had such great feedback from all the parents who attended.

In Bumblebees this month we have introduced baby yoga. We have looked at moving our legs and feet up and down and exploring the ways we can move our bodies. We love messy sensory play and have been making and playing with a mixture of textures and scented playdough. The babies have dived into a bit of baking this month too by making their own beetroot brownies and decorating biscuits for the Kings Coronation

In Ladybirds this month the children fully dived into healthy eating month by trying and tasting a range of colourful fruits and veggies as well as using them to make a range of yummy snacks and meals. Some of the favourites were carrot sticks dipped into homemade tzatziki and fruit smoothies. We have been discussing the importance of balanced diets and getting our 5 a day to keep us healthy. We have been continuing our small garden project with the new woodchip flooring being laid and the plant pots ready to be filled with beautiful flowers, herbs, and veggies.

In Butterflies, the preschoolers have been exploring two different books, Norman the Slug with a silly shell and Stuck. Using both books we have been exploring different problem-solving skills, trial and error and the art of never giving up. We have also been continuously exploring the world and the community by going on more outings down the alban way. During these outings, we have been talking about taking care of the world around us as we grow applications for nature and discuss different ways we can help take care of the world around us. Going on these outings has allowed us to collect natural resources which we have been using in our play e.g the log, sticks and leaves.