Summer is officially on its way out with the arrival of September. The children have been enjoying the fallen leaves, running through, and hearing the crunch and throwing them in the air. We also celebrated jeans for jeans day raising money for charity, we celebrated this by painting and decorating jeans with the children. The children have had lots of fun getting out and about exploring the surrounding areas and green open spaces.
Our bumblebees have enjoyed exploring different textures and developing our senses. The children have really enjoyed the role play area to incorporate this with our senses we have used items from the children into our play for example the use of oat play. The children got to explore and learn about different animals with the visit from Zoo Lab, they even got to hold some of the animals. Our bumblebees also spent some time in our smaller garden where we are currently growing strawberries, the got the see the strawberries growing and even pick some off!
Our ladybirds have enjoyed exploring the Albon way behind the nursery and collecting sticks. The ladybirds have also introduced a music wall into our smaller garden which the children have loved creating different sounds and singing along. Ladybirds have been exploring playdough this month. Playdough in different ways, they have been developing their fine motor skills by cutting the playdough, the children also enjoyed exploring the use of playdough in their home corner and using it within their role play. To extend this interest further the ladybird team began making playdough with scents as well as add different herbs for them to be creative.
Our butterflies have also been developing their fine motor skills, they have been using tweezers and magnifying glasses to pick out insect from a maze. We have been exploring the use of instruments and holding them on top of one another to measure how tall we are. We have been developing our physical development by completing obstacle courses in the garden, which we so much fun!
September has been so much fun, and we look forward to what sharing all this October with you! 😊