

Nursery Deputy Manager

About Me:

Working in early years has always been my passion. For me, There is little more rewarding than helping a child become self-confident and resilient, ready to take on life’s new adventures with ease.

My teaching background consists of almost 10 years working with children of different ages and abilities, from afterschool clubs and nannying to leading a Preschool class and working my way to Deputy Manager. One of my favourite things to do with children is read or tell a great story. Opening their imagination, building vocabulary, and sparking their interests. Equally I enjoy reading books myself. I have recently dived into self-development books and love to learn different ways people see the world. My favourite children's book is called ‘love is my favourite thing’, as the dog in the story reminds me a lot of my own cheeky puppy, Gus!

In the future I look forward to diving into my passion for sustainability in early years, forest school and eco learning and teaching the children all the ways we can take care of our planet, ourselves and the people around us.